Thursday, December 19, 2013

Honey Hive Farms has bee packages, nucs and hives ready to go left but going quickly.
The closer it is getting to April the more we are selling each day, so get your order it soon.
Go to or .
Thank you for your business.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Package bee prices 2014

Honey Hive Farms will be raising the prices of package bees, nucs and possibly hives ready to go in January.  There is a shortage of packages and some beekeepers are already seeing their orders canceled.
Order your bees before January.

Email us if you have any questions.

Bee Robots

Honey Hive Farms has been watching this for several years.  I knew that someone would be coming out with this.  Not sure where this will fit in the world but I do think it is coming in the next 10 years.
Honey, they wont be able to produce honey so will honey prices go way up.

check us out for package bees

Thank you for reading my short blogs.
